Thursday, December 2, 2010

Diets don't work! Call it a Lifestyle Change

I hear tons of people all the time saying that they are "on a diet". What does that mean? That you are eating like rabbits and working out in the gym until you pass out? When I hear the word "diet" all I think of is the Yo-Yo Diet. Because this is what the majority of people do when on a "diet". When you hit your target weight, for whatever occasion you are going to, then after the event, you go back to the weight you were at before.

If a person is really committed to losing weight and eating healthier, I believe the better term to use is a "lifestyle change". This commitment that you are giving to yourself can never stop. The thing with a lifestyle change is starting slow. I know that society today is very rushed, people want results NOW! We need to realize that these changes will happen over time. We want to start a new habit in your life. These habits start with performing an activity one step at a time. At the same time, we must have a positive attitude about this change. Albert Bandura would call it "self-efficacy". You have to believe in yourself and your capabilities for you to reach your goal.

So I challenge all of you... if you have a goal that you want to accomplish, let's work together to make that happen. Whether big or small, we can break it down and over time, we will make it! Confidence in yourself is key! Bring people into your life that will help with your goal. Having a support group or person is vital in your road to meet your goal.

Let's go out there and make a lifestyle change!!!! Keep me posted....:)

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